OpenMaker’s policy event at the European Parliament

May 2018 saw Farm Urban head to Strasbourg for an OpenMaker event at the European Parliament, where makers met with policymakers to discuss the future of industry within Europe. Part of European Makers Week, the 28 country-wide event celebrates the “Maker movement” – a growing group of people like us, who create unique products and technologies. 

Makers form many successful start up businesses, bringing €26bn to the world economy each year. This approach has also led to the development of enterprises which aim to solve issues within society, from the environment to healthcare. “Maker culture” thrives on openness and is facilitated by shared spaces such as ‘Fab Labs’ – a fabrication laboratory – open-source idea sharing, offering easy and equal access to tools and knowledge.

Makers support society and the economy using different methods to traditional businesses, developing new technology and breaking down social barriers, often using experimental materials and technologies. Some are also ‘not for profit’, so issues such as a lack of resources, funding and regulatory barriers can arise and removing these obstacles is important to grow of the movement. 

Government and EU support – including new policies which suit the unique needs of makers – can help. When policymakers listen to how makers operate, where they face issues and why they thrive, both groups can work together to pave the way for future generations of makers. The policy event shared success stories from four projects, creating a discourse between makers and policymakers.

We met and heard from other makers, including a presentation from Co.Bo.Pro, a company which produces prosthetics made from corrugated cardboard, for use in emergencies or as temporary solutions for people who lose a limb or part of a limb in an accident. We also heard from BIOM, which has created a renewable, biodegradable plastic; ShoeBird, which is 3D printing shoes and Aquapioneers, an aquaponics company in Spain. Farm Urban spoke about our vertical farm approach. Each startup addresses an unmet need in society, from safe, cheap and environmentally-friendly prosthetics, to a solution to the plastic pollution crisis. The values, creativity and unique approach of the projects gives an insight into how the maker movement works across Europe.

Following the presentations, guests discussed how they would like the EU to help the maker movement, sharing ideas and highlighting opportunities and challenges. As a result, OpenMaker created a policy note, with recommendations for policymakers based on this discussion. These recommendations included support for Fab Labs, strengthening partnerships between private companies and makers and teaching technological and critical thinking skills and creativity within schools.

Makers and manufacturers work at the cutting edge of science, using new technology and designing innovative products, so are well placed to identify issues which may never occur to policymakers. ‘Regulatory roadblocks’ – where regulatory frameworks are not up-to-date with current technology, can slow the progress of new industries. For example, Aquapioneers highlighted that the legal definition of ‘organic’ does not yet apply to aquaponic systems. Makers face many small but limiting obstacles like this, so it is important policies can be adapted to keep up with science and technology. 

The introduction of a “Makers Policy Sandbox” – an open channel of communication between makers and policymakers – was suggested to facilitate this exchange; a space for makers to provide policy recommendations and flag potential problems.

Including makers and manufacturers in political decision-making is key. Makers and manufacturers being given a role in shaping policy is encouraging – and vital for the continued success of the maker movement.

This post was written for Farm Urban by Lara Higham.


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