We help businesses become greener, healthier more inclusive places through our ESG packages.

We have three core packages for organisations - Nurture, Nourish & Flourish

They range in scope from the installation of living edible green walls and community wide engagement programmes through to holistic regeneration projects in districts, towns and cities. 

You’ll find more information of our packages below: 


Our ‘Nourish’ package connects your team to each other and to nature while having a positive effect on their health, wellbeing and productivity.


Our ‘Nurture’ package allows you to raise aspirations, develop talent educate, upskill and inspire healthy and sustainable behaviour among your local community and staff.


Combines our ‘Nurture’ & ‘Nourish’ packages; helping your organisation have a positive impact on staff, the local community and the planet for years to come.

Discover more about Farm Urban

About Farm Urban

We take a holistic, joined up approach to the way we live, embedding healthier, more nutritious and connected systems into the fabric of society. 

Farm People

Meet the Farm Urban team


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